Sunday, June 19, 2011

Animal Rights Extremists Part V

As mentioned throughout this series and in part IV, PETA is involved with ALF and ELF. ?Ingrid Newkirk (7:12 mark in video below), president and co-founder of PETA, maybe an atheist, who was influenced by the writings of Peter Singer, but her company spews out religious distortions, ALF propaganda to children and opposes life-saving science. ?She had herself spaded at age 22, spreading pseudo-science, and does not believe in having other animals as family members or as she puts it ?possess animals?, as heard by her in the video. ?While she is right about slaughterhouses, the truth is, she has no clue about animals, yet she declared herself the rabid social worker of four-legged children?s services, while I am St. Francis of Assisi. ?She is no different from Sarah Palin, who I deplore, except maybe somewhat more educated and the opposite extreme concerning animals. ?Personally, both Newkirk and Palin make me sick, so excuse me if I get a little emotional at times.

Newkirk insists that the world would be a better place without people: ?Humans have grown like a cancer. We?re the biggest blight on the face of the earth.?

Enough taking potshots at a fellow atheist and vegetarian I do not completely agree with, even if she is the president and co-founder of PETA. ?She and her agency, as well as other Animal Rights extremists, spew myths and include religious propaganda in their catalog, blog, and links to a Jesus website, which they supposedly do not necessarily indorse. ?Thus, Newkirk maybe an atheist, but some extremists do use their religion to support their animal rights views and while some may know these things about PETA, others do not.

I learned this about slaughterhouses when I was a girl. Humans created them so that others could consume meat without having to kill the animals themselves. It is a bloody and stomach-turning place, so what do Newkirk et al expect? The only way to close down such places is for everyone human to stop eating meat. It is not going to happen anymore than religion is going to disappear off the face of the earth, because the majority of people enjoy eating meat as much as they love their god concept. Like the religious, especially the extremists, PETA does nothing more than impose their ?Evangelical Fundamentalist? agenda on others, even waiting outside of schools to evangelize children, with various leaflets like Gideons with their little New Testaments and preaching about hell. ?Peter Singer's book is "referred to as the animal rights "bible,"" which PETA pushes.

4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, even waiting outside their schools to intercept them without notifying their parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: ?Your Mommy Kills Animals!? PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel?s audience: ?Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be.?

No, PETA, I would not eat my friends and no, I do not believe other animals are ours to eat, but at the same time, I do not impose my views on others like it were a religion nor do I attempt to stop life-saving medical and veterinarian research. ?I do not attempt violence either when I hear of things like what was in the first video in this series. ?I certainly try not to spew pseudo-science, but one would be ignorant not to know that slaughterhouses kill animals and that it is a bloody gory mess. ?However, no vegetarian or vegan is going to get meat eaters to stop eating meat by preaching their own philosophy concerning other animals and eating meat. ?Like religion, people do not give it up unless they want to give it up.

Rather than going after slaughterhouses and brainwashing children, I would rather go after a mother and her sons who slam kittens against a tree.

Dexter is able to keep his medication down, is eating from a feeding tube and has started to walk a little on his own. ?But veterinarians are still very concerned about potential damage to Dexter's brain and are not sure if he will ultimately succumb to his injuries.

The woman should not have been released on bail, because that is abuse, yet PETA wants to go after children with pseudo-science, propaganda, and a magazine called Grrr! which reminds me of the Animal Rights activist site called Bite Back, a magazine which promotes arson, vandalism, and other crimes. ?This does not mean children cannot learn to defend abused animals though, but it does mean one does not have to brainwash them with pseudo-science at the same time, as PETA turns cats and dogs into vegetarians, which is not natural or healthy for them. ?That is like teaching a dog to pray, which is creepy, as well as not natural.

Now that is scary. ?Just as scary as the Religious Reich, if not more so. ?The children whose parents are involved with PETA are also surrounded by ALF and ELF ideology, in which they learn violence, not compassion. In fact, PETA donated to ALF, ELF, and other violent extremists ?terrorists? groups. They also supported those charged with terrorist activities.

Well, here?s another quote, this time from PETA?s head, Ingrid Newkirk.??We are complete press sluts.?

Whoops. ?Wrong quote, although she did say that in the New Yorker magazine back in 2003. ?This is the quote I was looking for.

?I will be the last person to condemn ALF.?

She?s right. ?PETA doesn?t condemn the Animal Liberation Front. ?In fact, Newkirk has written a gushing biography of the terrorist group entitled ?Free the Animals?. ?She?s provided financial support for the ALF publication No Compromise. ?PETA has, over the years, compared ALF to the French Resistance, called the terrorist group the ?army of the kind?, and has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the defense funds of ALF members charged with crimes.

They are accused of condoning arson and other crimes, supporting ELF and ALF, according to an FBI investigation. Active Cash stated:

PETA?s connections to ALF and ELF are indisputable. ?We did it, we did it. We gave $1,500 to the ELF for a specific program,? PETA?s Lisa Lange admitted on the Fox News Channel. PETA has offered no fewer than eight different explanations of what the ?specific program? was, but law enforcement leaders have noted that since the Earth Liberation Front is a criminal enterprise, it has absolutely no legal ?programs? of any kind.

For instance, in 2003, ELF set fire to an unfinished, 200 unit condominium complex near San Diego. The arson caused $50 million in damage, and according to a San Diego Fire Captain: ?It could have killed someone.? ELF left its calling card in the form of a twelve foot sign that read: ?If you build it ? we will burn it ? the ELF?s are mad.?

PETA also has given $2,000 to David Wilson, then a national ALF ?spokesperson.? The group paid $27,000 for the legal defense of Roger Troen, who was arrested for taking part in an October 1986 burglary and arson at the University of Oregon. It gave $7,500 to Fran Stephanie Trutt, who tried to murder the president of a medical laboratory. It gave $5,000 to Josh Harper, who attacked Native Americans on a whale hunt by throwing smoke bombs, shooting flares, and spraying their faces with chemical fire extinguishers. All of these monies were paid out of tax-exempt funds, the same pot of money constantly enlarged by donations from an unsuspecting general public.

Attacking Native Americans? ?What would PETA do if American Indians were tending to their cattle and preparing to have one for dinner? ?Now from my understanding, American Indians traditionally use all of the animal or as much as possible. ?Tatanka and other animals, as well as nature, are sacred, so there is more ignorance happening with PETA than just scientific ignorance. ?However, the millions of dollars Newkirk and PETA make a year, just from donations alone, which they use to kill animals and pay those the FBI labels ?terrorists?, not for animal welfare, make them wasichu.

Wasi'chu does not describe a race; it describes a state of mind.

Wasi'chu is also a human condition based on inhumanity, racism, and exploitation. It is a sickness, a seemingly incurable and contagious disease which begot the ever advancing society of the West. If we do not control it, this disease will surely be the basis for what may be the last of the continuing wars against the Native American people.

For Newkirk and PETA, it would appear it is the last of the continuing wars, at least in the case of the whales. ?Newkirk et al have no concern for anyone, human or non-human, and the FBI has made a report of the effects of terrorism on animal enterprises, which PETA contributes and enables (page 4 and 7).

The cause of animal rights soon became a mainstream "single issue" movement, in some instances competing for or displacing the agenda of traditional animal welfare societies and in others fueling the proliferation of new organizations. In the United States, the most prominent among the new organizations was the non-profit People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), established in 1982 and which, in just over 10 years, has gained a membership of over 350,000. By some estimates, in the United States there currently are as many as 7,000 animal protection groups, of varying sizes, interests, and objectives.

Though never publicly condoning ALF's illegal activities, PETA representatives almost always voice support for the motive or principle underlying any given incident.] This often includes releasing videotape footage taken by ALF activists during the course of a raid on an enterprise.

There is also a 2001 FBI report on PETA too.

These pages (page 1 of 10) from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigative files detail connections between People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a FBI-designated ?domestic terrorist? group. PETA?s support of the ALF appears to include financing the legal defense of arrested ALF activists, providing resources to individual ALF cells, recruiting interns for ?the sole purpose of committing criminal acts at protests,? and publicizing ALF activities ?in a favorable manner.? One witness interviewed by the FBI (whom other sources have indicated was a former long-term PETA employee) made ?statements suggesting that PETA was formed as a cover for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).?

The only thing PETA cares about is money, PR, and connections to questionable animal groups. ?Their earnings per year, which goes not to animal welfare, but to ?organizations? such as ALF and ELF, as well as yellow journalism and propaganda, according to PETA Kills:

PETA rakes in nearly $30 million each year in income, much of it raised from pet owners who think their donations actually help animals. Instead, the group spends huge sums on programs equating people who eat chicken with Nazis, scaring young children away from drinking milk, recruiting children into the radical animal-rights lifestyle, and intimidating businessmen and their families in their own neighborhoods. PETA has also spent tens of thousands of dollars defending arsonists and other violent extremists.

PETA goes to extremes when it comes to other animals, right down to companion and therapeutic animals. ?They do not take into account just how helpful other animals can be psychologically and physically. ?Maybe if they had a furry four-legged family member they might view the world a little differently and what the hell does God have to with it, especially when PETA shows no love?

PETA kills more animals per year and as my 22-year-old son stated, ?To sterilize every single animal on this planet would be to commit genocide."

The only way to make our communities "no-kill" is to work toward a "no-birth" nation through legislative measures that mandate spaying or neutering unless a proper permit is purchased, with permit revenues used solely to subsidize sterilization surgeries for low-income families and citizens. ~ PETA's ABCs

The fact is, if we sterilized every single animal and have a ?no birth nation?, as PETA would like, instead of taking responsibility for them, there would be no other species on this planet and even the humans would die because, whether we eat them or not, we are dependent upon other animals just as they are us.

It is a symbiotic relationship by nature and even with that; all species are connected to the earth too. Once again, the PETA shows their ignorance and maybe if Newkirk adopted a furry child, her mental state might improve. This is not even talking about animals who assist humans with various disabilities.

Cuerella Deville (AKA Ingrid Newkirk) gives atheists, vegetarians, and scientists a bad name, with all of this happening and on top of it all, PETA kills more animals than science. In 2009, PETA earns millions of dollars, yet murdered 97% of the animals they took in, while scientists hardly cracked a skull to study the brains of cats.

Animal rights groups grossly exaggerate the number of animals used in research. They claim the majority of research animals are primates and stolen pets. Yet, as previously stated, 90 percent or more of the animals used in research each year are mice, rats and other rodents.; cats, dogs, and other animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, primates, and farm animals collectively make up the small remaining percentage of animals. This concern for our pets is being focused in the wrong direction. Millions of pets end up in animal shelters; according to the Humane Society of the United States, an estimated 3?4 million of these dogs and cats are killed each year because they are senselessly abandoned by their owners (The Humane Society of the United States).

Animals used in science:

In 2006 US government statistics put the number of laboratory animals used in research at 1,012,713. The above graph shows the breakdown of different species used. It is important to note that these statistics do not include rats, mice, birds and fish, as these animals are not covered by the Animal Welfare Act. Precise figures for the number of rats, mice, birds and fish do not exist, but it is estimated that approximately 25 million of these animals are used every year. This would account for over 95% of all animals used for such in the US, as the graph below shows us.

Animals hunted and consumed by humans:

OH MY GOD! Science kills more rats and mice than my cats! My little Shiva water boards the mice in the bathtub and still? Those little guys keep coming and won?t go away! Oh but we discovered a vaccine for Chicken Pox and HPV, so more lives were saved than lost in science. As they say in Star Trek, sometimes the needs of the many, which includes all animals, not just humans, outweigh the needs of the few or the one. I think that can apply to finding a cure too.

Veterinarians, who have chosen their profession because of their concern for animals, are intimately involved in the care and treatment of laboratory animals. They realize that results of animal research improve the health of animals as well as humans. In fact, many of the advances in veterinary medicine are the direct result of research with animals. The parvovirus vaccine, routinely administered by veterinarians, has saved the lives of many dogs. Pacemakers for both humans and animals were developed through research on dogs. Research in reproductive physiology on animals has helped save certain species from extinction. Distemper vaccines, tested on Siberian polecats, have resulted in the revitalization of the waning black-footed ferret population. In addition, the growing field of laboratory animal medicine has refined the care and treatment of laboratory animals, making the animals healthier and more comfortable. The scientific community realizes that quality laboratory animal care ensures more reliable scientific results, and therefore, it is in its best interest to treat laboratory animals with respect.

The needs of the few hateful people with ?a terrible scam that the world deserves to know the truth?, called PETA, do not outweigh the lives of millions that they murder for no purpose except to serve their own needs, which is to make money.

5) PETA?s president has said that ?even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.? And PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, solely because they support animal-based research aimed at curing life-threatening diseases and birth defects. And PETA helped to start and manage a quasi-medical front group, the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, to attack medical research head-on.

Now seriously, who are you going to believe? ?PETA who murders more cats and dogs in a year than science and cats kill mice and rats in a year put together or Scientists who are helping to save lives, using the 3 Rs? ?PETA really needs to get a grip on reality instead of harming others.

The scientific community advocates the highest quality of animal care and treatment for two key reasons. First, the use of animals in research is a privilege, and those animals that are helping us unlock the mysteries of disease deserve our respect and the best possible care. Second, a well-treated animal will provide more reliable scientific results, which is the goal of all researchers.

The number of animals used in research has actually decreased in the past 20-25 years. Best estimates for the reduction in the overall use of animals in research range from 20-50%. This reduction is more consistent and striking when comparing species. For example, best government estimates report that the number of cats used in research has dropped 66% since 1967. Due to a variety of factors, including the increase in non-animal adjunct testing and the refinement of laboratory animal medicine, there are fewer animals used for many research projects. Repetition of some experiments must occur for a variety of scientific reasons. The validation of data is critical to minimize or discover potential error. Experiments must be repeated to account for even the slightest change in variables such as dosage, temperature and weight.

Thus, the number of euthanized animals, due to science experiments is, less than the number PETA murders per year. ?It is also less than the number of animals humans consume for food.

Up next: The difference between Animal Rights and Animal Welfare.

  • June 16, 2011 -- Animal Rights Extremists Part IV
  • June 13, 2011 -- Animal Rights Extremists Part III
  • June 12, 2011 -- Animal Rights Extremists
  • June 17, 2011 -- News from the Egg People Front: Mississippi?s Republican Governor Candidates Support Personhood Amendment
  • June 13, 2011 -- Animal Rights Extremists Part II
  • June 5, 2011 -- Sarah Palin: Paul Revere cried ?The Americans are coming! The Americans are coming!
  • May 26, 2011 -- Sarah Palin buys New Home in Scottsdale, Arizona: Is She Running for President?
  • May 25, 2011 -- Sarah Palin Aide pokes fun at Bristol and Mitt Romney in Leaked Tweets
  • April 28, 2011 -- Lawrence O?Donnell nails Franklin Graham to the wall in interview; Graham nearly endorses Donald Trump


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